First Year Milestones
The first year flies by so fast…even faster when you have multiple babies!!! And when you have older children, I think the time seems to speed up faster and faster and “Mom Brain” makes those little details escape quicker than ever. Sleep deprivation from those early months (sometimes late ones…sleep babies, sleep) catches up, but then over the years, you want to remember all of those sweet moments.

Without taking the time to really document your baby, how will you remember… Did she have elbow dimples? Chubby little legs? It’s so hard to remember those first year milestones with your baby!

Was she the serious baby or the one who belly laughed at everything? Thank goodness our images will help to bring back those moments so you never forget!

How Do You Remember First Year Milestones?
Documenting the first year of life is something I am honored to do for families. We celebrate sitting and crawling with a baby session around six months as part of Watch Me Grow Legacy Sessions. The big smiles, new accomplishments and personality pop around this time! This is such a gift you will not only give to yourself now and in the future, but to your babies who will grow up loving seeing themselves in the printed images you have from when they were tiny that show how much you cherished those moments.
Do you know someone who is expecting a little one or are you growing your family? We love documenting those early days and first year moments. Reach out today to Becky@always-images.com or 574-598-0022 to get on our calendar.

Becky Furry, owner of Always Images is based in Culver, Indiana (about an hour from South Bend, Mishawaka, Granger areas). She specializes in capturing fine art family portraiture. Becky is a member of the Professional Photographers of America and also is a certified Pediatric Nurse Practitioner. She is a preferred photographer for the Culver Academies and has been since 2011 and gives back from every Culver Academies session to the Culver Educational Fund. She also supports the Maxinkuckee Adventure Sailing program and HIS Small Wonders Betty A. Nolin Scholarship fund with her photography. The Always Images studio has a background of beautiful old barns, refined rustic modern spaces, sprawling green fields and is close to Lake Maxinkuckee and the gorgeous Culver Academies. To contact Becky, reach out at 574-598-0022 or Becky@Always-Images.com for a personal consultation for your portrait needs. Do you like Facebook? Follow Always Images on Facebook or is Instagram your thing? Find me at www.instagram.com/BeckyFurry
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